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July Sales Champion

Aug. 07, 2018

July Sales Champion


We have different expectations about the future, look forward to serving more customers, looking forward to breaking through higher performance, and looking forward to enjoying a better life. The road to the championship is long and bumpy. How did you succeed? Next, let's listen to the champion's inner monologue.

July is the accumulated time, the old customers are our foundation, the new customers are our motivation, we will maintain the old customers with care, actively develop new customers, improve our product knowledge and professional quality, and be fully prepared for the September procurement festival.

1.Factory, the professional technical team is the core competitiveness of Yatai.

The technical team headed by the chairman has been focusing on research and development of new products and boutiques, creating a broader sales range for customers, which will bring more profits. Since 1991, I have never stopped researching and learning about hoses, and I am fully committed to providing customers with better quality assurance.

2.products,Yatai always adheres to the principle of quality above quantity.Concentrate on the products, create their own brand image, create super cost-effective, and bring more profit to customers.

3.business, professional product knowledge is the first element.

Constantly researching and developing new products requires us to continuously learn new product knowledge and deepen our research to give customers more security and better service.

Thanks to the sharing of the king, we will always remember the customer first, integrity-based, quality-first service. To this end, Yatai people will work together and we are on the road.

Technical Consulting:Penny

Contact Number:18331807383 (WeChat is consistent)

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